Love God, Love People.


-God is good and truly knowing Him changes everything.

-Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to Father is through Jesus.

-God has revealed Himself through scripture, so we trust in the inspiration and authority of scripture.

-God’s desire is for the whole world to be saved and know Him.

-As Christians, we are called to pick up our cross and follow after Him. As we follow after Christ we believe that the Holy Spirit will transform our lives to be more Christlike.

-Although we have a personal relationship with Christ, it is not meant to be isolated. Human beings are created to be communal and so we need community in order to grow in every aspect of life.

-God has a way of life for His followers to live. Not to withhold, but to give true freedom.

-The power of prayer is real and is a necessity, not a luxury, of being a follower.

-Worship is our response to a loving, good God.

-God cares about college students and desires for His Spirit to be awaken in younger generations.


Love God

Loving God means to wholly surrender one’s life over to Him. Asking and allowing God to not only be one’s savior but to be one’s ruler over their life.

Love People

We are to love others as we love ourselves. Regardless of who they are, what they believe, or how they conduct themselves. Jesus is clear that how we treat/love others is extremely important to Him.

If you have anymore questions or need clarification we’d love to hear from you!